Content between these tags are only visible to users who have liked your fan page. Jus4 LOL: Challenging Mission: Grab 1000 Girls' Breasts in 1 month

Challenging Mission: Grab 1000 Girls' Breasts in 1 month

This guy have a vision and mission, he wanted to shake his hand with President of Russian. So, in order to do so he needed to fulfil one challenging mission. He needed to grab one thousand girls' breasts! You can see many different girls' facial expression in the video, some were shy, some were friendly, some even slap at that guy (how challenging). Well, after seeing this video, if you're a guy, i bet probably you wanted to go to Russia and try this, right? What a wonderful mission!!!! LOL

The above video is just Part I. . . .

Part II is at below, do watch this man's hard work!!

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