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Bikini Beauties Selling Coffee at the street of America

You might familiar with the Taiwan's famous "Betel-Nut Beauties" which the lovely taiwanese wearing bikini and sell the betel-nut to drive-through customers. But have you ever heard of "Coffee Beauty" from the United States of America? Just like the "Betel-Nut Beauties", the Coffee Beauties are wearing the bikini to do business as well, just their product change to Coffee. The business normally established on the roadside to attract customers to come and make a purchase.
 Years ago, some parts of the Seattle area in the United States began to have this business, some beauties wearing bikinis and some wearing sexy panties to serve customers with the hot coffee and cappoccino. Not bad for the early birds to have a tasty coffee and lovely babes to see. 
 After the "Coffee Beauty" emerged, a lot of traditional coffee stand was closed due to they are not able to compete with those sexy girls who was selling coffee too, so many of them sold their business to the Coffee Beauties eventually.

 Starbucks is based in Seattle, surely you know it is not easy (or even possible) to compete with this successful brand name if you are just a small coffee stand! So, in order to attract the customers many small coffee stand started to launched the "Coffee Beauties" and setted up the location in the roadside of the streets or parking lots. It is easy for drive-through!

Will you come and make a purchase if you see this? LOL

 However, in recent years the Police of the American investigated and found out that some coffee beauties provide some illegal "extra" services such as allowing the customers to touch their body with extra charges and so on. This prompted the city started to take it seriously and since last year, a lot of "Coffee Beauties" was being banned. 
Nothing personal, it's just business.

All in all, this is a very creative business. Those lovely girls are working very hard to sell coffee to their customers! You might want to THANKS them, LOL!

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