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What Super Hero Do When They Are Free

Super Hero Parody
To be a super hero is not always easy, you need to always keep the world safe and peaceful. That is what superhero for. But what if one day the world is peaceful and no crime happen? I think this might bored those superhero, because peace mean they are fired~ Peace mean they are jobless! LOL
Let's take a look at superman. He is too bored and needed to kill some time by washing the toilet and cleaning the house. 
"Damn! What a boring life!" - said superman
 The world is safe now! Good! I need not to go out and fight the villain any more~!- Said the fat spiderman who drinking his beer.   
 The WonderGirl had found a good husband and become a responsible housewife. Hmm, not bad~ LOL

 Life is not easy, great power comes with great responsibility, but the government does not pay salary for this job. Sigh!!
 Captain America, what is he doing?
 I don't have any super power, but I am a super hero, I have no choice to make myself look tougher!! - said Batman.
Is good to have time to enjoy life for superhero! LOL!
Source: akzone

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